Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just Another Day...

It's Saturday, November 22nd and we are enjoying our last full weekend in Nova Scotia. We were hit with quite a snowstorm last night, so we woke up to a nice blanket of white this morning. Luckily, Daren made it home before the storm started, or I would not be nearly as happy about the snow.

We had breakfast with the boys and they played for a while before their first nap. The nap seemed to go well, but for some reason, Callum woke up on the WRONG side of the crib. Wow, was he cranky. Daren went outside to shovel the driveway (with help from our wonderful neighbors) while I gave the boys a snack. Word to the wise: don't feed your children honey puffed cereal in a dish they can tip. Here are a few photos from our snack gone wrong:

After snack, we decided to take the boys for a short walk in the snow. We must be crazy. Dressing 16 month old triplets in winter jackets is enough to make anyone want to pick up and move to a warmer climate. Regardless, we had a good time once we were out, and even took a few pictures to prove we did it:

1 comment:

Margot said...

The boys have really grown up from the last pictures I saw of them!