Friday, February 27, 2009

We are on another blog!

I know I am late posting this, but we had a great visit with Daren's Uncle Paul and Aunt Sandra a few weeks ago. Paul and Sandra are temporarily living in our neighborhood while their own home is being renovated/repaired. I don't think I want them to leave! We had a short visit at their house and then Sandra came home with us and stayed while the boys had lunch. It was really nice. Anyway, Sandra wrote about the visit on her blog. Here is the link if you want to take a look:

The posting date is in early February - take your time and read about their fantastic trip as well!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The February Blahs

Yahoo, February is almost over. This winter has been horrible - so hard to get out and so cold and snowy. If/when we move again it is going to be somewhere warmer! I've decided to use the winter blah's as my excuse for not blogging in a while. However, I am turning over a new leaf - back to at least weekly entries.
So you're probably wondering what fascinating things we have been up to lately. Here it is:

The boys are great. All are walking now (Callum took his time with that - he prefers to sit and play quietly, so walking was not a big priority for him). No one is saying much yet - mainly mama, dada, uh-oh and baby. I guess my boys are the strong silent type. They have a great time playing together most days and now often show their fondness for each other by kissing. It is too cute.

I am going to post recent photos as soon as I find my camera cord. It is hiding out somewhere with all of our missing socks.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Good Riddance January!

Yahoo - January is finally over and there are only 27 days left in February. Can you tell that I am looking forward to spring? I don't want to complain, but it is really, and I mean really tough to get out with 3 18-month old's during the winter. Our new neighborhood is great, but there is just too much snow to get through. I need a motor and a plow on the stroller I guess.

It's been a long time since I updated and I don't know where to start. I should probably start with an update about the holidays, but I really want to talk about New Year's resolutions. I have the perfect resolution for next year! You see, this year I made several resolutions - exercise more, be more organized, update the blog regularly, etc. I set myself up for failure because I had too many resolutions and there was no way I could keep them all. Next year, I resolve to make only one resolution and since my one resolution will be to only make one resolution, I should surely be able to keep it. Sometimes I think I need to get out more...

On another note, here is proof that kiddie toys can be fun for all ages:

All kidding aside, tomorrow I will post a real and (hopefully) interesting update.